
Our documented journey so far:

April 2024

Medical aid for hospitals in Kharkiv and for service people

Let’s Give Ukrainian Children A Christmas This Year Appeal – 2023

Thanks to the incredible generosity of the Plant and Hire Aid Alliance members, we’ve made a meaningful impact this Christmas to ensure Santa Arrives for the children of Ukraine.

These heartwarming photos capture the magic of children in Odesa, Chuguyiv, Borova, and the Borovsky district, all on the edge of the war zone, receiving gifts that brightened their holidays. Beyond borders, we extended our reach to the Kharkiv region, once under Russian occupation. Together, we’ve turned moments of despair into rays of hope, creating memories that transcend conflict.

A massive thank you and huge appreciation to our dedicated teams in Ukraine for their unwavering commitment, braving war-impacted zones to ensure the joy of Christmas reaches those who need it the most. Your efforts have made a difference, and the smiles on these children’s faces speak volumes.

Wrapathon December 2023

2023 October Convoy

The Scrubbery/NHS Hospital Scrubs – July 2023

2022 Autumn Convoy

Our First Trip in March 2022

Mattress Appeal

Food Appeal

Travel Suitcases Appeal

Medical Supplies and Sanitisers Delivery

Member Initiatives


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